Sweet Spot
Sweet Spot
Follow threads of emotional sustenance as you play, reflect, and get closer. Inspired by empathogens, Sweet Spot is designed to build on moments of joy with friends and loved ones.
What’s in the kit?
What’s in the kit?
This kit contains everything you need to fill a trip or roll — apart from any substance you wish to pair with it — and you can pick and choose from activities, objects, and guidance intended to support a vibrant journey. Sweet Spot includes:
- Ten sets of objects (show full list)
- Toroflux/kinetic spring
- Stethoscope (to truly be heard)
- 2x eye masks/blindfolds
- 6x adjustable hug rings
- Small electric fan
- A large extra-soft scarf
- Scalp massager
- 2x mochi squish creatures
- 3x neon face/body paint pens
- Pop Rocks
- 6x completable “Certificates of Belonging”
- Twenty-five illustrated activity cards
- An opening ceremony
- Music, videos, and meditations to deepen your journey
- Safety information and guidance
Each item has a corresponding Activity Card with a playful shared activity using that item
How does it work?
How does it work?
Simply set aside a few hours, as you might for a board game, then open up the box and enjoy. You can check out the guide in the kit for optional tips beforehand.
Who: 2–6 people
Good for: Newcomers and experienced travelers
Pairs best with: A full dose of empathogens or cannabis* (dosage info)
Duration: 3–6 hours
Where: A cozy space
You’ll need:
- Water
- Any substance you wish to pair (optional)
*Also pairs well with psychedelics, with the caveat that you be up for some emotional introspection and reading comprehension during your trip.
Are there drugs in the kit? No
Is it legal? Yes
Is it erotic? No, there is nothing explicitly romantic in this kit, but there are playful, contemplative, and platonically intimate activities involving touch and connection.
Is it reusable? Yes, and you may find yourself returning to this kit over multiple sessions. It does contain a couple single-use items, and many items that you may want to share or use elsewhere.
Who is this for? If your love language is quality time, if you want to connect to your inner child, if you’re dedicated to growing into the best version of yourself, if you’re tired of doing the same thing on the weekends — then Sweet Spot is for you! Inspired by empathogens (such as MDMA, also known as ecstasy or molly) but also pairing well with cannabis, this kit is a playful exploration to be enjoyed as a romantic couple or with a group of friends.